Climate Change and Environment Policy Advisor (Technical Specialist Environmental)

  • Full Time
  • NGO Job
  • Anywhere
  • Applications have closed
  • UNOPS profile


WEC Background:

UNOPS Water and Energy Cluster (WEC) supports the design and management of multi-stakeholder initiatives by providing services in financial and grant management, procurement, human resources, and project management. The cluster has supported projects in the areas of water resource management, climate change adaptation, mitigation and transparency, energy access and distribution, and environmental conservation under the Paris Agreement. The WEC has also supported operations and financial management services, in Vienna, the rest of the ECR region, and beyond. The main partners include UN agencies, bilateral agreements (with the Nordics, Germany, and Italy), the Green Climate Fund, and several NGOs (such as CIFF and CWF).

The NDC Partnership:

The NDC Partnership is a global coalition of countries and institutions collaborating to drive transformational climate action through sustainable development. In 2015, the world endorsed the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Nations signal their commitments to the Paris Agreement through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – each country’s strategy to cut its greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience against the negative effects of a changing climate. The Partnership advances the goals of the Paris Agreement by bringing together nearly 200 countries and institutions in new ways to accelerate NDC implementation and enhance ambition over time. The Partnership’s work through 120 partners supporting almost 80 countries produces many examples of impact, lessons learned, and ideas for the future. The Partnership is governed by a Steering Committee, co-chaired by two country representatives. The Partnership’s work is facilitated by a Support Unit based at the World Resources Institute in Washington DC and the UNFCCC Secretariat in Bonn, Germany. UNOPS supports the NDC Partnership and its Support Unit through the Water, Environment, and Climate (WEC).

Country Context

Ethiopia submitted its second updated NDC (2021-2030) to UNFCCC in July 2021 that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 68.8 percent by 2030 through supporting climate mitigation actions in the sectors of agriculture (livestock and managed soils), land use change and forestry, energy, industry and waste sectors. Moreover, the revised NDC builds upon several national climate and development policy initiatives including the first NDC, the emerging 2050 Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS), the Green Legacy Initiative, and Ethiopia’s 10-Year Development Plan (10YDP) which considers CRGE as one of its strategic pillars for the period 2020-2030. The finance required for implementing the updated NDC is estimated at USD 316 billion (87 % for mitigation and about 13 % for adaptation) with 20% of the total resources planned to be domestically financed while the remaining 80% shall be financed by international support.

Ethiopia has put in place multifaceted institutional architecture to implement its climate strategies and plans and the main institutions responsible for implementing CRGE/NDC are those entities responsible for priority economic sectors, i.e., Agriculture, Forestry, Water and energy, Mining, Transport, Industry, and Construction and urban development. Following the restructuring of public institutions in October 2021, the Ministry of Planning and Development (MoPD) of the Federal Government of Ethiopia has been mandated as the lead institution for coordinating national climate actions and the focal point (FP) and main interface between Ethiopia and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and Nationally Designated Authority (NDA) for Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF), and Adaptation Fund (AF).

MoPD has established an Environment and Climate Change Main Department (ECCMD) and developed a revised national guideline on new institutional governance and Coordination systems and structures. ECCMD will serve as the climate arm of MoPD to lead on its new national climate mandate including coordination of climate change international negotiation and communication, planning and implementation of climate policy and strategy initiatives such as the updated NDC implementation and LT-LED Strategy, ensuring national compliance to the UNFCCC’s requirements (such as the enhanced transparency framework), and mainstreaming climate into the sectoral development plans and budgeting processes.

To strengthen the technical capacity of the newly established Environment and Climate Change Main Department (ECCMD), MoPD has requested the NDC Partnership for a short-term assignment of a Climate Change and Environment Policy Advisor that will be embedded within the MoPD ECCMD team.

* This is a Home-based position, and therefore the incumbent will need to use his/her laptop and software.

** As this is a Local Position, to be eligible, the incumbent should be a national of Ethiopia or have a valid residence permit in the Country.

Functional Responsibilities

The National Climate Change and Environment Policy Advisor, as a member of the ECCMD, will provide high-level technical assistance and policy advice for MoPD in the implementation of the updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), aligning NDC and LT-LED strategy, climate finance mobilization, capacity building of the MoPD and climate sector institutions, assist MoPD in institutionalizing and strengthening the revised climate governance and coordination system and structures, and facilitating dialogues and partnership with climate sector actors (international and regional Development Partners and financiers, private sector institutions, and civil society Organisations), and supporting MoPD in international communication and ensuring compliance to the UNFCCC’s Enhanced Transparency Framework/MRV requirement, Knowledge management and other relevant climate policy and technical initiatives. The Advisor will also assist the MoPD/ECCMD, the CRGE Facility, and Sector institutions in mainstreaming climate into sectoral development planning and design of new climate mitigation and adaptation initiatives and respond to demands for advice from the Climate sector institutions coordinated by MoPD.

The National Climate Change and Environment Policy Advisor will assist in delivering interventions related to all outputs discussed above and implementing the specific responsibilities discussed below.

1) Support the MoPD Policy Analysis and Strategic Plan Chief Executive Officer and relevant MOPD Departments in setting up and capacity building of the Environment and Climate Change Main Department (ECCMD)

  • Together with the Climate Institutional Development and Climate Policy Advisors contribute to the development of the ECCMD midterm Strategic/Operational plan (2023-2025);
  • Together with the Institutional Development Advisor develop and implement a capacity-building program for ECCMD/MoPD and climate sector institutions in the integration of NDC and mainstreaming climate change into development planning and budgetary processes and policy implementation;
  • Advise MoPD in revitalization and strengthening of the national climate institutional governance and coordination systems and structures;
  • Facilitating discussions and tasks to align the NDC and LT-LED Strategy
  • Contribute to the NDC review and updating national processes;
  • Work closely with the MoPD’s relevant Departments, the CRGE Facility, EPA, and Federal climate sector organizations, in building their capacity in mainstream climate into development and implementing their sectoral NDC plans and LT-LED strategy development.

2) Support in the development of new NDC initiatives, bankable project proposals, and NDC Resource Mobilization strategy and plan

  • Support MoPD/ECCMD, CRGE Facility, and sector institutions in resource mobilization including program and project identification; development and financing; and the development of a submission for GCF, GEF, Adaptation Fund, and other funding opportunities identified;
  • Advice and provide expertise for the MoPD and the CRGE Facility/MoFED in cross-sectoral program design and implementation through engaging experts across the sectors of climate change, mitigation and adaptation initiatives, governance, and economic growth;
  • Together with the Climate Finance Advisor, contribute to MoPD’s ECCMD and CRGE Facility in developing/updating the NDC Resource Mobilisation Strategy and operational plan for 2023-2025.

3) Climate/NDC Mainstreaming and Climate Risk Management

  • Support in climate/NDC Integration into national and sectoral development planning and budgeting processes;
  • Coordinate integration of climate change risk into national development and investment decisions, through MoPD’s relevant policies and guidelines and existing national and sectoral development planning and budgeting frameworks;
  • Lead Sector institutions in climate change risk assessments, scenario planning, and feed recommendations back to the ECCMD/MoPD senior management and Sector Government Organisations and subsequent planning processes;
  • Advise MoPD/ECCMD in developing approaches and guidelines for mainstreaming climate change and integrating NDC into national and sectoral development plans and budget processes. The guideline development should be informed by or aligned with the institutional mandates and processes provided in the revised climate institutions governance and coordination guideline and closely consulted with the MoPD relevant departments and the CRGE Facility/MoFED;
  • Develop capacity-building interventions for ECCMD/MoPD and climate sector institutions in climate and NDC mainstreaming into development planning and budgetary processes and policy implementation.

4) Support for implementing the Enhanced Transparency Framework and integrating national MRV and Monitoring and Evaluation systems/processes

  • Contribute and work with ECCMD, EPA, and MoPD relevant Departments in integrating MRV and M&E indicators and systems;
  • Coordinate with EPA in integrating MRV and M&E indicators and systems, setting and strengthening institutional structures for enhanced transparency framework in line with the UNFCCC’s requirements, and providing follow-up support in institutionalizing and operationalization of the integrated MRV/M&E system;
  • Facilitate the setting and strengthening of institutional structures for enhanced transparency framework in line with the UNFCCC’s requirements and institutional structures and functions provided in the revised CRGE governance and coordination guideline;
  • Provide technical backstopping support, monitor, and regularly update the PARD Director’s progress in institutionalizing and operationalization of the integrated MRV/M&E system.

5) Climate Change Policy and Technical Support

  • Support MoPD/ECCMD in coordinating inputs to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) international meetings (such as the annual COP/MOP), draft Ethiopian Government/MoPD/ECCMD – UNFCCC correspondence and communications;
  • Provide policy advice to MoPD/ECCMD focusing on (i) aligning NDC with LT-LED strategy, ii) improving and strengthening climate institutions governance and coordination system (iii) mainstreaming adaptation into national development, and (iv) promoting multisector climate change policy and programming and providing advice and technical support on evolving issues under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Climate Finance architecture and the Enhanced Transparency Framework;
  • Provide strategic policy advice, and guidance on climate change to MoPD/ECCMD and climate sector organizations;
  • Provide expertise in cross-sectoral program design and implementation, integration theory and practice, draws on experts across the sectors of climate change, and mitigation and adaptation initiatives, governance, and economic growth.

6) Partnerships and knowledge management

  • Develop and maintain strategic partnerships with relevant institutions, including Development Partners, NGOs, and private sector institutions;
  • Build and maintain linkages with local and global Partners knowledge networks,
  • Coordinate arrangements for the publication of country reports, including desktop publishing, editing, printing, and dissemination;
  • Draft briefing/meeting materials and related documents (as needed) in performing the tasks outlined above;
  • Facilitate and contribute to the development of web stories, case studies, lessons learned, and academic papers;
  • Provide inputs to the preparation of presentations, advisory, and briefing notes, as needed.

7) Other Tasks

  • Produce and submit own monthly and quarterly plan and progress reports and submit to the ECCMD/ Policy Analysis and Strategic Plan Chief Executive Officer for feedback and approval;
  • Closely work with the NDC Partnership In-Country Facilitator in support of the broader institutional mandates and implementing the NDC plan;
  • Support EECMD/MoPD in the design and management of Consultancy assignments and ensure quality deliverables agreed upon.

Institutional Arrangement

The climate change advisor will report to the NDC Partnership Country Engagement Specialist and will work closely with MoPDs as the NDC Partnership Focal Point, other ministries, the NDC In-Country Facilitator, the Climate Finance Advisor, and the Climate Institutional Development Advisor. The candidate will be hosted at MoPD offices. He/she will need to use his/her laptop. This is a retainer national vacancy/position for twelve months, up to a maximum of 220 working days.


  • Develops and implements sustainable business strategies, and thinks long term and externally to positively shape the organization. Anticipates and perceives the impact and implications of future decisions and activities on other parts of the organization.(for levels IICA-2, IICA-3, LICA Specialist- 10, LICA Specialist-11, NOC, NOD, P3, P4 and above)
  • Treats all individuals with respect; responds sensitively to differences and encourages others to do the same. Upholds organizational and ethical norms. Maintains high standards of trustworthiness. Role model for diversity and inclusion.
  • Acts as a positive role model contributing to the team spirit. Collaborates and supports the development of others. For people managers only: Acts as a positive leadership role model motivates, directs, and inspires others to succeed, utilizing appropriate leadership styles.
  • Demonstrates understanding of the impact of own role on all partners and always puts the end beneficiary first. Builds and maintains strong external relationships and is a competent partner for others (if relevant to the role).
  • Efficiently establishes an appropriate course of action for self and/or others to accomplish a goal. Actions lead to total task accomplishment through concern for quality in all areas. Sees opportunities and takes the initiative to act on them. Understands that responsible use of resources maximizes our impact on our beneficiaries.
  • Open to change and flexible in a fast-paced environment. Effectively adapts own approach to suit changing circumstances or requirements. Reflects on experiences and modifies own behavior. Performance is consistent, even under pressure. Always pursues continuous improvements.
  • Evaluates data and courses of action to reach logical, pragmatic decisions. Takes an unbiased, rational approach with calculated risks. Applies innovation and creativity to problem-solving.
  • Expresses ideas or facts in a clear, concise, and open manner. Communication indicates a consideration for the feelings and needs of others. Actively listens and proactively shares knowledge. Handles conflict effectively, by overcoming differences of opinion and finding common ground.


  • MSc Degree in Climate Change, Environment, Agriculture/Food Security, natural resources, or related fields
  • A Bachelor’s degree in a related discipline in combination with an additional 2 years of relevant work experience may be accepted instead of an advanced university degree.



  • With a Master’s Degree, a minimum of 5 years of related technical experience in climate change, programming design, partnerships, global negotiations, and climate finance or related areas is required;
  • Experience working with Ethiopia’s climate change contexts, policies, strategies, institutional architecture/landscape, and resilience issues in Ethiopia at both field and policy levels;
  • Experience in working with government counterparts and other partners at various levels – federal Regions in Ethiopia, including technical support, capacity-building, and coordination and climate change mainstreaming;
  • Knowledge of various funding mechanism requirements such as GCF, GEF, or Adaptation Fund among others especially environmental and social safeguards and fiduciary standards and their application in developing country institutions.
  • Experience in designing Climate Change and Environment strategies and proposals;


  • Demonstrable experience in MRV/M&E.
  • Sound understanding of climate adaptation strategies, early warning, and early actions;
  • Track record in successful business development/fundraising GCF, USAID, FCDO, European Commission, Corporate and Private Sector and Corporate Foundations;
  • Strong analysis of climate change data/information and ability to summarise and communicate this to a range of audiences;
  • Knowledge of the various mandates, roles, and competencies of a national climate change focal organization and National Designated Authority is advantageous along with knowledge of UNFCCC reporting requirements.


  • Proficiency in English is required;
  • Knowledge of Amharic is an added advantage.

** As this is a Local Position, to be eligible, the incumbent should be a national of Ethiopia or have a valid residence permit in the Country.

Contract type, level, and duration

Contract type: ICA / ICS 10 retainer

Contract level: Local ICA 10

Contract duration: 12 months, 220 days, with the possibility of extension depending on performance and on availability of funds

Additional Information

  • Please note that UNOPS does not accept unsolicited resumes.
  • Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
  • Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process, which involves various assessments.
  • UNOPS embraces diversity and is committed to equal employment opportunity. Our workforce consists of many diverse nationalities, cultures, languages, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, and abilities. UNOPS seeks to sustain and strengthen this diversity to ensure equal opportunities as well as an inclusive working environment for its entire workforce.
  • Qualified women and candidates from groups that are underrepresented in the UNOPS workforce are encouraged to apply. These include in particular candidates from racialized and/or indigenous groups, members of minority gender identities and sexual orientations, and people with disabilities.
  • We would like to ensure all candidates perform at their best during the assessment process. If you are shortlisted and require additional assistance to complete any assessment, including reasonable accommodation, please inform our human resources team when you receive an invitation.

Terms and Conditions

  • For staff positions only, UNOPS reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level than the advertised level of the post.
  • For retainer contracts, you must complete a few Mandatory Courses (they take around 4 hours to complete) in your own time, before providing services to UNOPS. For more information on a retainer contract here.
  • All UNOPS personnel are responsible for performing their duties under the UN Charter and UNOPS Policies and Instructions, as well as other relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, all personnel must demonstrate an understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a manner consistent with UN core values and the UN Common Agenda.
  • It is the policy of UNOPS to conduct background checks on all potential personnel. Recruitment in UNOPS is contingent on the results of such checks.

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Interested applicants can apply before the closing date of the application. For more information please read the full article

Deadline: May 22, 2024

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